Petr V. Sivtsev

Phone: +7 (924) 169-17-47


Address: office 136, 42, Kulakovskiy Str., Yakutsk


MSc of Applied Mathematics and Physics (2011-2013),
Department of Control and Applied Mathematics, MIPT (SU) (Russia)

BSc of Applied Mathematics and Physics (2007-2011),
Department of Control and Applied Mathematics, MIPT (SU) (Russia)

Research interests:

Mathematical modeling of the elasticity and plasticity problems taking into account the influence of heat, parallel algorithms

Participation in conferences, symposia:


  1. Eight Confernce of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathamtics in Technical and Natural Sciences. Albena, Bulgaria.
  2. Sixth Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications. Lozenetz, Bulgaria.


  1. FDM’14: Sixth Conference on Finite Difference Methods: Theory and Applications.



  1. P. V. Sivtsev, A. E. Kolesov, I. K. Sirditov and S. P. Stepanov. The numerical solution of thermoporoelastoplasticity problems / AIP Conf. Proc. 1773, 110010 (2016);


  1. Petr V. Sivtsev, Petr N. Vabishchevich, and Maria V. Vasilyeva. Numerical Simulation of Thermoelasticity Problems on High Performance Computing Systems / Lecture Notes in Computer Science. V. 9045, 2015. Pp.364-370.
  2. Sivtsev PV Numerical modeling of the elasticity problem of reinforced concrete slabs //  Herald of the North-Eastern Federal University. MK Ammosov. , 2015. 4 (48). pp. 64-74. (In Russian).